eTamo Server Hosting Plans
The affordable Server Hosting Plans you can have to realize your Dreams. eCommerce and Mobile Apps Development, All-In Package.

Quick Installation within 12 hours. Enterprise-level Hosting with unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth.
Comes with Plesk Panel for self-configuration and customization. Easy Setup and convenience.
Secured Server and All Plans comes with HTTPS package. Also comes with Free Weekly Backup of your entire WebSite and Data.
Did you know that you can visit TooCSS website for latest listing of HTML templates and a variety of useful templates.
All Support and Customer Services are available 24 x 7 around the clock and serves customers around the World.
All Programming Communication are done via Application Programming Interface hat is lighting fast.
Light weight and fast access to API Services, focuses on JSON and XML format which only takes bytes to comminucate and expect those responses.
All task and jobs done that are automated are alerted via SMS Notification to Users and System Administrator.
Alerts and Notification arrives in seconds (that comes with enough details on the Errors and Problems encoutered).
Customer Service is done via LIVE Chat (within the Mobile App) itself.
Quick and Fast response is expected from our range of customer service staff.
All Hosting Plan will automatically come with it's own Mobile Apps and customers can expect their Apps to be available on the Apps Store (Android and Apple) within a week time.
1 Projects
5 GB Storage
Basic Support
10 Projects
100 GB Storage
Priority Support
Reports and analytics
Unlimited Projects
Unlimited Storage
Priority Support
Web Hooks